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mon serveur
24 septembre 2009


JE me lance dans la sauvegarde de mon serveur
d'abord j'installe mondo :
comme il y avait des problème avec mon Débian j'ai trouvé ça dans les FAQ:

Q11/ Does mondo work with Debian/Ubuntu distributions?

Yes, your best bet are the official Debian packages. Andree, the Debian maintainer, is usually also on the mailing list. Look at DistributionPackaging If you want to use the packages made upstream for Debian/Ubuntu, you need to know that numbering schema are different between upstream mondo (2.x.y) and Debian packages (2.xy),so you should adapt your /etc/apt/preferences file to avoid updates of mondo with apt-get with indeed older versions. Do the following:

wget`lsb_release -r|awk '{print $2}'`/mondorescue.sources.list
sudo sh -c "cat mondorescue.sources.list >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo sh -c "cat >> /etc/apt/preferences << EOF
Package: mindi
Pin: version 2.0.*
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: mondo
Pin: version 2.2.*
Pin-Priority: 500

(From mails of Andree Leidenfrost and Brian McKee?)

If you are using Debian rather than Ubuntu then alter the first line above to read:

wget`cat /etc/debian_version`/mondorescue.sources.list

Also be sure on recent Ubuntu versions (8.04) to use the -S and -T switch to locate temp files in a sufficiently big enough file system (by default /var/run is used, which seems to cause problems to Ubuntu users).

J'ai donc tapez :

wget`cat /etc/debian_version`/mondorescue.sources.list


sh -c "cat mondorescue.sources.list >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sh -c "cat >> /etc/apt/preferences << EOF
Package: mindi
Pin: version 2.0.*
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: mondo
Pin: version 2.2.*
Pin-Priority: 500

Il falait ensuite specifier l'endroit du noyau :

Q4/ How do I create my mindi Failsafe kernel?

First you need to work with a kernel+modules supporting your hardware both at backup and at restore time. Then copy your kernel under /usr/share/mindi/vmlinuz and create a tar file compressed with bzip2 called lib.tar.bz2 containing all your modules from /lib Example:

  # cd /usr/share/mindi 
  # cp /boot/vmlinuz-x.y.zz vmlinuz
  # tar cfj lib.tar.bz2 /lib/modules/x.y.zz

(where x.y.zz is your kernel version)

ensuite la commande que j'utilise ne marche pas avec le graveur je passe donc par une image iso

modoarchive -Oi -d /home/mondo -E /home - T /tmp -s 4g

il faut ensuite graver l'image iso crée avec cdrecord

j'ai rajouté  dans le fichier /etc/default/cdrecord les lignes:

#device donné par cdrecord-scanbus
#vitesse de gravure par défaut

pour effacer un dvd-RW
cdrecord blank=fast ou cdrecord blank=all

esuite pour graver :
cdrecord -v image.iso
mon serveur